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Friday 2 November 2012

New Frontiers ARE Ecumenically Joined To Rome. The Evidence.

This report (copied from the comments section within 
List Of (Probable) False Christian Leaders, False Christian Teachers and False Prophets (As Indicated By The Ecumenical or Heretical Organisations They Belong To) )

will show why the New Frontiers church movement is ecumenically joined to Rome by looking at some of its history, activities and associations.

 =        ?

Here is the history behind the New Frontiers Movement which shows why it is a dangerous group to be involved in.

Some time ago I read Terry Virgo’s blog. He did not and will not condemn false revivals like Todd Bentley’s so called Lakeland Revivals. Of course he wouldn’t because New Frontiers are actually on the frontline of these “experiential” revivals like Toronto. New Frontiers are attached to/are supporters of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) who "organised" that false satanic event. NAR were previously known under various names including "Latter Rain". New Frontiers are co-workers with NAR.

This is a video of Chuck Pierce of New Apostolic Reformation, who works alongside C Peter Wagner.
This video illustrates how weird the NAR are becoming. It sounds so demonic.

Here is an excerpt (written before the Lakeland revival) regarding New Frontiers, to prove the point about them from:

“Branching out from their former isolation and tight doctrines, they have become ecumenistic, almost liberal, and are networking with every church group imaginable. The restoration fellowships, together with Elim Pentecostal fellowships, were in the forefront of the Toronto, Promise Keepers and Pensacola controversies, just as they had promoted the Kansas City Prophets earlier on.

Restoration teachings are responsible for infecting almost every branch of British church life, and their goal of full visible unity seems to draw nearer every year, as successive churches succumb to their influence.”

This link:
also gives the full history background behind the New Frontiers movement.

As I (myself) got drawn into them during the 1980′s and 1990′s I DO know that these things are TRUE. However, for now, let me start by asking some questions:

Does New Frontiers support any of the following: 

Friday 14 September 2012

Romans Chapter 9 DOES NOT Disprove Freewill but Actually Reinforces It. Looking At The Context Of The WHOLE Book of Romans

This article is part 2 or a continuation of my last article entitled "God HAS Given Us Freewill. It IS Revealed In The Bible"
Please click here to read that first article.

On that last article I chose to not discuss Romans Chapter 9 (which contains verses which the Calvinists use as their strongest arguments AGAINST the belief of freewill) because that chapter contains such a lot of material and raises too many objections/questions to cover within the general topic of the last article. Quite honestly it needs a separate article all of its own. Therefore, this article serves that purpose.
Romans 9-11 go together
I will now try to show how Romans chapter 9 DOES NOT deny freewill but actually reinforces it when you consider everything in its rightful context.  What I have written today on this article (14 Sept. 2012) is the results of my initial investigations and study. I may add other material to this article as/when I find more.

Anyway, long introduction, but here now is the article.

Anyone with an honest heart will have to admit that if Romans chapter 9 is saying that no-one has freewill, then that chapter sits isolated from the vast majority of the Bible which teaches otherwise.  I follow the golden rule that if some isolated verses (or even a chapter) seems to say something contradictory to the rest of the Bible then it must be US who are interpreting that particular passage incorrectly. We should NEVER make a doctrine out of isolated passages – very dangerous.

Let us look at the context of Romans 9. First, who was Paul writing to? Was it Jews or Gentiles? It appears primarily Jews but also to Gentiles. Why did Paul apparently swap his line of thought in Romans 8 and insert chapters 9-11 before continuing on again in ch 12?

Some say it was a digression. Actually, if you were to read all the chapters 1 to 16, you will actually see that chapters 1 to 8 were a build up or foundation to the main thrust of his message, i.e. chapters 9-11 are the KEY to

Sunday 9 September 2012

God HAS Given Us Freewill. It IS Revealed In The Bible.

Note:  Added More Material 14 Sept 2012

The purpose of this article is to refute the "no freewill" arguments of Calvinists (and others who hold to a similar reformed theology) demonstrating that the Bible DOES teach freewill.

I will start by laying a foundation. The Bible teaches us that God is full of Love, Compassion, Mercy, He is Just and Righteous in all His ways. Those who teach that we have no freewill in our salvation and that only those who God chooses through His predetermined plan, will be saved, actually defame God’s character by (effectively) teaching that God in His predetermined plan has created many people deliberately predestining them to an eternal torment of hell. This is actually blasphemy because it teaches something about God's nature which is blatantly untrue!

Romans 8:32 says “He who did not SPARE His own Son”. Therefore, why would He (out of a nature of love) create humans to then send to an eternal hell (without them being capable to choose God)?  Surely that would be the case, if (as they teach) some have no chance of repenting because they are not of the elect. If they are incapable of choosing God because they are DEAD, then EFFECTIVELY God has created souls to be tormented for eternity. How can God be a God of Love and also be Righteous and Just if He did such things? How can you trust a God like that?

No wonder Atheism has taken on in a massive way because “how can you believe in a God like that?” No, I cannot believe in a God like that because that is NOT His nature.

What about 2 Peter 3:9 “it is not God’s Will that any should perish but that ALL should come to repentance”. If we do not have

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Exposing The New Age Influence Within English Hymn "Jerusalem" As Sung At London 2012 Games

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how gnosticism (now known as New Age) is at the centre of the hymn "Jerusalem" and why it has (dangerously) become so very important to English culture.

At the London Olympic Games 2012 we saw a whole scenario of England a green and pleasant land. it showed the Glastonbury Tor with its "thorn" (a tree) as centre stage which was as a backdrop to the very English hymn "Jerusalem".

What was that all about? Why is that hymn so important to England? Why is it NOW sung as the English national anthem at the Commonwealth games and at England's Cricket test matches? What is its significance?

To answer most of those questions, I have copied a section from an article written by Tony Pearce of "Light For The Last Days" entitled "Isles of Wonder,London’s weird Olympic opener". Here is the link:

I would like to thank Tony for giving me permission to publish that section here. This is what was written. It is very revealing.

Some consider ‘Jerusalem’ to be a Christian hymn, because it talks about the ‘holy lamb of God’ (i.e. Jesus), but the fact is that Blake was certainly not a believing Christian.  He had visions of ‘angels’ from a young age and associated with mystics and occultists, participating in

Friday 3 August 2012

Pastors: Should We ONLY Preach The Gospel and Nothing Else?

I received an interesting email which highlights something very important. I was told by a pastor "I am thoroughly weary of all this. We seek to preach Christ, and Him crucified." Therefore, I would like to address his statement in this article.

Is he correct?

Edited 4th Aug 2012 (parts edited are highlighted blue).

Of course our focus MUST be on Jesus. However, Paul told us to not be ignorant regarding the methods used by our enemy and that we should be vigilant as watchman in warnings and prayer. "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." 2 Cor 2:11

I assume that "we preach Christ and Him crucified" means that these pastors focus entirely on ONLY preaching the gospel message of salvation and nothing else.  If that is true, it gives me grave concerns.

Pastors:  Is that ONLY what we should be preaching?

If you are ONLY preaching to the unsaved then it would be totally acceptable. But, if you are preaching to the saved, then shouldn't you be taking note of Hebrews 6:1-2:

" Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment" ?

Our job is not to go over the same elementary message over and over again but go on to disciple believers. Part of the discipleship process is 

Monday 25 June 2012

Chuck Missler. His Vatican, Ecumenical Associations and Other Apostasies Exposed

   =        ?

Edited 30 Jun 2012 (see edited section at the bottom of this article)

I cannot do better than simply to show this following link which says it all!

I also wrote (a number of times) to those who still endorse Chuck Missler  (like Moriel Ministries) but never at any time received any replies. That is actually odd, because I used to receive replies to my emails from them.

This is what I wrote:

Sunday 8 April 2012

Truth About Christian Zionists. Response To False Accusations

I was asked to read a report of a typical reformist/replacementist who was giving scathing accusations against Christian Zionists for their beliefs/practices and comment on it.

Here are my observations, my rebuttals and full scriptural explanation/evidence (in defence) for our support of Israel.

I noticed that everything the report said was a clear example of the dominionists, kingdom now arguments. The dominionists tend to exaggerate and interpret scripture in a biassed way, even lying to make their point. They say they are not anti Israel, but actually they are. 

They say that they support Palestinians also, but actually (generally) ONLY support Palestinians and keep attacking Israel as a state. The report in question was from a reformed theological approach.  Anyway,  I will now show what this author said publicly on his website report and then give my reply to each false accusation in blue. I will tackle only the most salient sections of his report,  which are in serious error and do not represent the truth accurately.

(Note: This blog also contains other articles which can be used as a response to the Dominionists objection against Israel.  You can find these articles at the bottom of THIS article.)

He said:  Much of our Christian emphasis on foreign policy in the Middle East today is based on the promise that God made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."  The first half of this verse is a promise that God made to just one person, Abraham. The original Hebrew is in the second person singular, meaning that God is speaking only to Abraham. 

My Reply:  He deliberately ignores the subsequent promises given later in scripture specifically to Isaac and then to Jacob which shows the promise to Abraham was carried on through Isaac (not Ishmael) and then through Jacob. God then gave special promises to Jacob and renamed Him Israel which means 

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Rising Of The New Inquisition. Joels (Locust) Army

Joels Locust Army

This blog has shown how the Evangelical Protestant church, which had always been centred on Biblical Christianity, has now been hijacked during the late 20th century by the Vatican through Catholic and Jesuit infiltration.

The links to those articles which discuss these things, can be found at the bottom of this article.

This blog has shown how the increase in momentum  of this infiltration seemed to coincide completely with the emergence of Israel as a Nation again. Very interesting is how replacement theology took centre stage from 1948 onwards - same year that Israel became a Nation again after almost 2000 years. I do not believe that that was a coincidence but as a response in opposition to the new nation. Possibly because the Vatican felt threatened in some way.  Israel being a Nation again especially flies in opposition to the Catholic Church's dominionistic agenda.

Anyway, so infiltration began via Latter Rain, Word of Faith and now through emerging church and New Calvinism. They are all reading from the same handbook which leads to the belief of a super church emerging through the belief that this super race can all become Jesus on Earth by becoming little gods. We are witnessing a joining together of all these groups into a united mission to take conquest for Christ globally.

My blog has shown how these groups have arisen and how the Vatican is behind it all in its Vatican II ecumenical mandate to bring all groups under submission to the Pope. 

Added section on 11 Dec 2014 (in blue)
To showcase this, here is another article written in Nov 2014: 

Rick Warren and Word of Faith's Full Apostasy Is Complete. Mystery Babylon Is Taking Even Greater Shape Before Our Eyes

This article will now show how a new Vatican Inquisition is starting to take shape through the Latter Rain's (aka New Apostolic Reformation) Manifest Sons of God, now known as JOELS ARMY and their NEW BREED. Effectively, this Joel's Army has all the same hallmarks that we saw with the Spanish Inquisition. Just as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes "there is nothing new under the sun". The same tactics are used over and again at opportune moments in history.

I can do no better than show the following video which tells you everything you need to know about this very dangerous development within evangelical Christianity. Please do not be put off by the length of the video (2 hours) it is very watchable. I couldn't stop watching - it really got my attention. We ALL need to be aware of this very dangerous movement and  contend earnestly against it.

Here it is:

This video shows that the Latter Rain and its Joels Army focusses on the Bible's Book of Joel Chapter 1 and 2 which talks about the locusts. Anyone who reads those chapters honestly will see that it CANNOT be talking about the Christian church.  The book of Joel discusses the locusts as an ENEMY to the people of God. How on Earth do Latter Rain twist those chapters so violently and read things into the text that definitely are NOT there? Do they liken themselves as the enemies of God's kingdom? No they don't BUT the passages say that the locusts are exactly that. wooooow, I have never seen just decimation of scripture verses before.

As promised here are links to other articles in relation to this article. See below.